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History of: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Day

Current version (2015-08-01T01:33:31.656668)

    title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Day
startdate: 2015-08-01
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure shelf
Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/ 

We will clean and clear the room and the basement on this day. Join!


f1title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Dayf1title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Day
2startdate: 2015-08-012startdate: 2015-08-01
3timezone: Europe/Vienna3timezone: Europe/Vienna
4city: Graz4city: Graz
5country: AT5country: AT
6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
7coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.45051902537coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
t8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructuret8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure shelf
10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/ 10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/
12We will clean and clear the room and the basement on this day. Join!12We will clean and clear the room and the basement on this day. Join!


f1title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Dayf1title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Day
2startdate: 2015-08-012startdate: 2015-08-01
3timezone: Europe/Vienna3timezone: Europe/Vienna
4city: Graz4city: Graz
5country: AT5country: AT
6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
7coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.45051902537coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure
10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/ 10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/
t12Of course it's a DIY-shelf, so we need the room on this day to build it. Join!t12We will clean and clear the room and the basement on this day. Join!


t1title: Shelf-Building-Dayt1title: Shelf-Building-Preperation-Day
2startdate: 2015-08-012startdate: 2015-08-01
3timezone: Europe/Vienna3timezone: Europe/Vienna
4city: Graz4city: Graz
5country: AT5country: AT
6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
7coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.45051902537coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure
10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/ 10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/
12Of course it's a DIY-shelf, so we need the room on this day to build it. Join!12Of course it's a DIY-shelf, so we need the room on this day to build it. Join!


f1title: Shelf-Building-Dayf1title: Shelf-Building-Day
2startdate: 2015-08-012startdate: 2015-08-01
3timezone: Europe/Vienna3timezone: Europe/Vienna
4city: Graz4city: Graz
5country: AT5country: AT
6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
7coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.45051902537coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure
t10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new Shelf. \\o/ t10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new shelf. \\o/
12Of course it's a DIY-shelf, so we need the room on this day to build it. Join!


f1title: Shelf-Building-Dayf1title: Shelf-Building-Day
2startdate: 2015-08-012startdate: 2015-08-01
3timezone: Europe/Vienna3timezone: Europe/Vienna
4city: Graz4city: Graz
5country: AT5country: AT
6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz6address: Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
7coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.45051902537coordinates: 47.0656044166, 15.4505190253
8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure8tags: realraum hackaton infrastructure
t10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new Shelf. \o/ t10Realraum (also called "RegalRaum") is getting a new Shelf. \\o/