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History of: Graz@CCCamp2019 - Treffen

Current version (2019-03-15T23:22:23.434082)

    title: Graz@CCCamp2019 - Treffen
startdate: 2019-03-22
starttime: 20:15
endtime: 21:30
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: R2W2 Hinterraum - realraum - Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0654873657, 15.4506504536
tags: realraum cccamp event orga treffen
    wiki https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=camp2019
First meeting of people from Graz who go to Chaos Communication Camp 2019


f1title: Graz@CCCamp2019 - Treffenf1title: Graz@CCCamp2019 - Treffen
2startdate: 2019-03-222startdate: 2019-03-22
3starttime: 20:153starttime: 20:15
4endtime: 21:304endtime: 21:30
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: R2W2 Hinterraum - realraum - Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz8address: R2W2 Hinterraum - realraum - Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
9exact: True9exact: True
10coordinates: 47.0654873657, 15.450650453610coordinates: 47.0654873657, 15.4506504536
11tags: realraum cccamp event orga treffen11tags: realraum cccamp event orga treffen
13 wiki https://realraum.at/wiki/doku.php?id=camp2019
13First meeting of people from Graz who go to Chaos Communication Camp 201915First meeting of people from Graz who go to Chaos Communication Camp 2019