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History of: PyGRAZ Mai: Multithreading, Multiprocessing und AsyncIO

Current version (2019-05-17T00:04:29.178327)

    title: PyGRAZ Mai: Multithreading, Multiprocessing und AsyncIO
startdate: 2019-06-04
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
tags: python
    Anmeldung https://www.meetup.com/PyGRAZ/events/261493892/
In June, we are going to have two talks. As this talk will be presumably held in German, it might be difficult to follow for non-German speakers. Anyhow, everyone is welcome to drop by.

(1) Julian Rath is going to talk about “Multithreading, Multiprocessing und AsyncIO” (presumably German)

(2) The second talk is still in discussion. Either it will be about “Python & Scientific Computing” (presumably German) or “typing - Gradual typing with python” (preferably English)