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History of: PyGRAZ October: Coding Dojo with Pew Pew

Current version (2019-09-16T03:49:45.305347)

    title: PyGRAZ October: Coding Dojo with Pew Pew
startdate: 2019-10-01
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
    Pew Pew Homepage https://pewpew.readthedocs.io/
    Sign up https://www.meetup.com/PyGRAZ/events/264881242/
It's time again for a coding dojo to improve our programming skills and share coding tricks!

We are going to take a look at the Pew Pew micro console that can be programmed in MicroPython. It features a display of 8x8 pixels (amounting to 0.000064 megapixel!) and most of the buttons you find on a modern console controller.

The goal is that we can move a little space ship across the screen. And if there's enough time left, we might even make it shoot laser beams!