Deleted event

The following event was deleted 2025-01-13 Mon at 22:06 by xro given as reason: None.

acronym: r3talk
title: show+tell: Shell-Stuff
startdate: 2025-01-23
starttime: 19:05
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.450553894
tags: realraum talk r3talk showtell
Welcome to the 2nd of a regular monthly series of small talks and events in realraum. The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.

This Thursday, we will organize a Show+Tell about shell tools, where we can show each other our favorite shell and commandline productiviy tools.

elliem: nushell


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t1acronym: r3talkt1acronym: r3talk
2title: show+tell: Shell-Stuff2title: show+tell: Shell-Stuff
3startdate: 2025-01-233startdate: 2025-01-23
4starttime: 19:054starttime: 19:05
5endtime: 22:005endtime: 22:00
6timezone: Europe/Vienna6timezone: Europe/Vienna
7city: Graz7city: Graz
8country: AT8country: AT
9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
10exact: True10exact: True
11coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.45055389411coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.450553894
12tags: realraum talk r3talk showtell12tags: realraum talk r3talk showtell
14 pad pad
16Welcome to the 2nd of a regular monthly series of small talks and events in realraum. The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.16Welcome to the 2nd of a regular monthly series of small talks and events in realraum. The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.
18This Thursday, we will organize a Show+Tell about shell tools, where we can show each other our favorite shell and commandline productiviy tools.18This Thursday, we will organize a Show+Tell about shell tools, where we can show each other our favorite shell and commandline productiviy tools.
20elliem: nushell20elliem: nushell