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History of: Tag des offenen Hackspace

Current version (2025-02-10T20:20:06.818973)

    title: Tag des offenen Hackspace
startdate: 2025-03-29
starttime: 16:00
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
exact: True
tags: tdoh dooh ccc hackspace
This is the international day of the open hackerspace!!

So of course, realraum is open as always and welcomes guests. In addition, members will show off their projects.

Stop by, Say Hi!


t1title: Tag der offenen Hackerspacest1title: Tag des offenen Hackspace
2startdate: 2025-03-292startdate: 2025-03-29
3starttime: 16:003starttime: 16:00
4endtime: 22:004endtime: 22:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz8address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
9exact: True9exact: True
10tags: tdoh dooh ccc hackspace10tags: tdoh dooh ccc hackspace
12This is the international day of the open hackerspace!!12This is the international day of the open hackerspace!!
14So of course, realraum is open as always and welcomes guests. In addition, members will show off their projects.14So of course, realraum is open as always and welcomes guests. In addition, members will show off their projects.
16Stop by, Say Hi!16Stop by, Say Hi!