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History of: r3talk - How to Explode batteries for Science

Current version (2025-02-26T21:25:30.051951)

    acronym: r3talk
title: How to Explode batteries for Science
startdate: 2025-03-20
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 20:30
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.450553894
tags: realraum talk r3talk liion 18650 21700 batteries akku physics german deutsch
    ical https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=r3talk+%21realraum&view=ical
Welcome to the 3rd of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.
The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.

Diesesmal geht es um Batterien und ihre letzten Momente. Das industrielle Testen von Akkus, auf so destruktive Art wie möglich, in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Explosions- und Messkammer.


f1acronym: r3talkf1acronym: r3talk
2title: How to Explode batteries for Science2title: How to Explode batteries for Science
3startdate: 2025-03-203startdate: 2025-03-20
4starttime: 19:004starttime: 19:00
5endtime: 20:305endtime: 20:30
6timezone: Europe/Vienna6timezone: Europe/Vienna
7city: Graz7city: Graz
8country: AT8country: AT
9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
10exact: True10exact: True
11coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.45055389411coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.450553894
t12tags: realraum talk r3talk liion 18650 21700 batteries akki physics german deutscht12tags: realraum talk r3talk liion 18650 21700 batteries akku physics german deutsch
14 ical https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=r3talk+%21realraum&view=ical14 ical https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=r3talk+%21realraum&view=ical
16Welcome to the 3rd of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.16Welcome to the 3rd of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.
17The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.17The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.
19Diesesmal geht es um Batterien und ihre letzten Momente. Das industrielle Testen von Akkus, auf so destruktive Art wie möglich, in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Explosions- und Messkammer.19Diesesmal geht es um Batterien und ihre letzten Momente. Das industrielle Testen von Akkus, auf so destruktive Art wie möglich, in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Explosions- und Messkammer.


f1acronym: r3talkf1acronym: r3talk
2title: How to Explode batteries for Science2title: How to Explode batteries for Science
3startdate: 2025-03-203startdate: 2025-03-20
4starttime: 19:004starttime: 19:00
5endtime: 20:305endtime: 20:30
6timezone: Europe/Vienna6timezone: Europe/Vienna
7city: Graz7city: Graz
8country: AT8country: AT
9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz9address: realraum, Brockmanngasse 15, 8010 Graz
10exact: True10exact: True
11coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.45055389411coordinates: 47.0654887055, 15.450553894
12tags: realraum talk r3talk liion 18650 21700 batteries akki physics german deutsch12tags: realraum talk r3talk liion 18650 21700 batteries akki physics german deutsch
14 ical https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=r3talk+%21realraum&view=ical14 ical https://grical.realraum.at/s/?query=r3talk+%21realraum&view=ical
16Welcome to the 3rd of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.16Welcome to the 3rd of an increasingly regular series of small talks in realraum.
17The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.17The focus being on low-entry but hopefully high-value knowledge sharing either in form of a talk or show+tell.
t19Diesiesmal geht es um Batterien und ihre letzten Momente. Das Industrielle Zesten von Akkus, auf so destruktive Art wie möglich, in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Explosions- und Messkammer.t19Diesesmal geht es um Batterien und ihre letzten Momente. Das industrielle Testen von Akkus, auf so destruktive Art wie möglich, in einer eigens dafür angefertigten Explosions- und Messkammer.