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History of: OLGA - Open Biolab meeting

Current version (2014-02-01T14:20:32.646784)

    acronym: OLGA
title: Open Biolab meeting
startdate: 2014-02-02
starttime: 18:00
timezone: Europe/Berlin
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0655785, 15.4505767
tags: realraum olga meeting
    web http://olga.realraum.at
Lab meeting of the Open Biolab Graz!   Every 2 weeks on sunday. New people always welcome!


nn1acronym: OLGA
1title: Open Biolab meeting2title: Open Biolab meeting
2startdate: 2014-02-023startdate: 2014-02-02
nn4starttime: 18:00
5timezone: Europe/Berlin
3city: Graz6city: Graz
4country: AT7country: AT
5address: realraum8address: realraum
6exact: True9exact: True
7coordinates: 47.0655785, 15.450576710coordinates: 47.0655785, 15.4505767
8tags: realraum olga meeting11tags: realraum olga meeting
10 web http://olga.realraum.at13 web http://olga.realraum.at
15Lab meeting of the Open Biolab Graz! Every 2 weeks on sunday. New people always welcome!