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History of: RealVille - Chaos Communication Camp 2015

Current version (2015-07-24T15:26:48.517395)

    acronym: RealVille
title: Chaos Communication Camp 2015
startdate: 2015-08-13
enddate: 2015-08-17
timezone: Europe/Berlin
city: Zehdenick
country: DE
address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, 
Ziegelei 10, 
16792 Zehdenick, "near" Berlin
coordinates: 53.0327036304, 13.3071068393
tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp15
    Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille
    Village: RealVille https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:RealVille
The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \\o/


f1acronym: RealVillef1acronym: RealVille
2title: Chaos Communication Camp 20152title: Chaos Communication Camp 2015
3startdate: 2015-08-133startdate: 2015-08-13
4enddate: 2015-08-174enddate: 2015-08-17
5timezone: Europe/Berlin5timezone: Europe/Berlin
6city: Zehdenick6city: Zehdenick
7country: DE7country: DE
t8address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlint8address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg,
9Ziegelei 10,
1016792 Zehdenick, "near" Berlin
11coordinates: 53.0327036304, 13.3071068393
9tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp1512tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp15
11 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille14 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille
12 Village: RealVille https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:RealVille15 Village: RealVille https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:RealVille
14The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \\o/17The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \\o/


f1acronym: RealVillef1acronym: RealVille
2title: Chaos Communication Camp 20152title: Chaos Communication Camp 2015
3startdate: 2015-08-133startdate: 2015-08-13
4enddate: 2015-08-174enddate: 2015-08-17
5timezone: Europe/Berlin5timezone: Europe/Berlin
6city: Zehdenick6city: Zehdenick
7country: DE7country: DE
8address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin8address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin
9tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp159tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp15
11 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille11 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille
nn12 Village: RealVille https://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:RealVille
t13The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \o/t14The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \\o/


f1acronym: RealVillef1acronym: RealVille
2title: Chaos Communication Camp 20152title: Chaos Communication Camp 2015
3startdate: 2015-08-133startdate: 2015-08-13
tt4enddate: 2015-08-17
4timezone: Europe/Berlin5timezone: Europe/Berlin
5city: Zehdenick6city: Zehdenick
6country: DE7country: DE
7address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin8address: Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, 16792 Zehdenick "near" Berlin
8tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp159tags: camp ccc r4 realville cccamp15
10 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille11 Pad: RealVille https://titanpad.com/RealVille
12The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \o/13The Chaos Communication Camp will take place from August 13th to August 17th 2015 near Berlin - and realraum will be part of it! \o/