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History of: RIOT - Workshop/Vortrag zu RIOT OS

Current version (2015-05-16T13:55:34.092191)

    acronym: RIOT
title: Workshop/Vortrag zu RIOT OS
startdate: 2015-06-17
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum,
Brockmanngasse 15,
8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0655179378, 15.4505324364
tags: realraum workshop riot betriebssystem operatingsystem lecture vortrag internetofthings embedded
    homepage http://riot-os.org/
Thomas Eichinger hält einen Vortrag und kleine hands-on Einführung zu RIOT OS.

RIOT is an operating sytem for the Internet of Things and runs on several platforms including embedded devices like Arduino or STM32 as well as common PCs. It supports multiple drivers, which allows you to start out of the box. The hardware dependent code is reduced to a minimum and abstracted from the kernel itself.