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History of: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bike

Current version (2015-11-04T02:53:43.423561)

    title: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bike
startdate: 2015-11-10
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 20:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum
tags: projekte vortrag workshop
    go-e http://go-e.bike/



f1title: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bikef1title: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bike
2startdate: 2015-11-102startdate: 2015-11-10
3starttime: 19:003starttime: 19:00
4endtime: 20:004endtime: 20:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum8address: realraum
9tags: projekte vortrag workshop9tags: projekte vortrag workshop
11 go-e http://go-e.bike/


f1title: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bikef1title: Vorstellung go-e.bike / presentation of go-e.bike
2startdate: 2015-11-102startdate: 2015-11-10
3starttime: 19:003starttime: 19:00
4endtime: 20:004endtime: 20:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum8address: realraum
tt9tags: projekte vortrag workshop