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History of: retroraum - Retrogaming party

Current version (2016-12-06T13:08:02.651764)

    acronym: retroraum
title: Retrogaming party
startdate: 2016-12-10
starttime: 17:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum,
Brockmanngasse 15
8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0655764023, 15.4505753517
tags: party retrogaming retroraum games
**Oldskool strikes back**

One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)


f1acronym: retroraumf1acronym: retroraum
2title: Retrogaming party2title: Retrogaming party
3startdate: 2016-12-103startdate: 2016-12-10
4starttime: 17:004starttime: 17:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum,8address: realraum,
9Brockmanngasse 159Brockmanngasse 15
108010 Graz108010 Graz
11exact: True11exact: True
t12coordinates: 47.012775, 15.462591t12coordinates: 47.0655764023, 15.4505753517
13tags: party retrogaming retroraum games13tags: party retrogaming retroraum games
15**Oldskool strikes back**15**Oldskool strikes back**
17One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)17One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)


f1acronym: retroraumf1acronym: retroraum
2title: Retrogaming party2title: Retrogaming party
3startdate: 2016-12-103startdate: 2016-12-10
4starttime: 17:004starttime: 17:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum,8address: realraum,
9Brockmanngasse 159Brockmanngasse 15
108010 Graz108010 Graz
11exact: True11exact: True
tt12coordinates: 47.012775, 15.462591
12tags: party retrogaming retroraum games13tags: party retrogaming retroraum games
14**Oldskool strikes back**15**Oldskool strikes back**
16One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)17One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)


f1acronym: retroraumf1acronym: retroraum
2title: Retrogaming party2title: Retrogaming party
3startdate: 2016-12-103startdate: 2016-12-10
4starttime: 17:004starttime: 17:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
t8address: realraumt8address: realraum,
9Brockmanngasse 15
108010 Graz
11exact: True
12tags: party retrogaming retroraum games
10**Oldskool strikes back**14**Oldskool strikes back**
12One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)16One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)


f1acronym: retroraumf1acronym: retroraum
2title: Retrogaming party2title: Retrogaming party
3startdate: 2016-12-103startdate: 2016-12-10
4starttime: 17:004starttime: 17:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum8address: realraum
tt10**Oldskool strikes back**
10One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)12One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)


f1acronym: retroraumf1acronym: retroraum
t2title: retroraum -- Retrogaming partyt2title: Retrogaming party
3startdate: 2016-12-103startdate: 2016-12-10
4starttime: 17:004starttime: 17:00
5timezone: Europe/Vienna5timezone: Europe/Vienna
6city: Graz6city: Graz
7country: AT7country: AT
8address: realraum8address: realraum
10One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)10One last retrogaming party, with old skool hardware, ChuChu Rocket and feuerzangenbowle ;)