2018-04-29 Sun | 18:15 - 18:20 | ? realraum intro |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:20 - 18:25 | ? Open bioLab Graz Austria (OLGA) |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:25 - 18:30 | murdelta: Cryptoparty Graz |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:30 - 18:35 | murdelta: BarCamp Graz |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:35 - 18:40 | SvenG: neomutt |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:40 - 18:50 | nicoo: Building a cozy ${HOME} with Ansible |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:50 - 18:55 | xro: powersaving with systemd-inhibit & co |
2018-04-29 Sun | 18:55 - 19:02 | xro: tmux |
2018-04-29 Sun | 19:02 - 19:15 | fg: fgLCD mit C++Templates Fun |
2018-04-29 Sun | 19:15 - 19:20 | Firefox Container Useless or Useful? |
2018-04-29 Sun | 19:15 - 19:18 | xro: spaceapi |
2018-04-29 Sun | 20:20 - 20:30 | xro: emptyepsilon |
2018-04-29 Sun | 20:30 - 22:40 | anyone? Klanglicht |
2018-04-29 Sun | 20:35 - 20:35 | Reinhard Mutz: WPIA |
2018-04-29 Sun | 20:45 - 20:50 | Reinhard Mutz: Little Brother |
2018-04-29 Sun | 20:55 - 21:00 | Roland: zsh manual improvements |
2018-04-29 Sun | 21:00 - 21:05 | Ernst: dustmap |
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