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History of: pygraz-dez - PyGraz December: Lightning Talks

Current version (2019-11-12T09:56:50.206386)

    acronym: pygraz-dez
title: PyGraz December: Lightning Talks
startdate: 2019-12-03
starttime: 19:00
endtime: 22:00
timezone: Europe/Vienna
city: Graz
country: AT
address: realraum Graz
Brockmanngasse 15
8010 Graz
exact: True
coordinates: 47.0655488753, 15.450591445
tags: lightning-talk vortrag python pygraz
    pygraz.org https://pygraz.org/meetups/2019-12-03
In December, we are going to offer lightning talks on topics related to python.

You solved a small problem with python software? You have found and tried an interesting package on pypi? You discovered new features of a recent python version? Lightning talks give you an opportunity to share your findings with others and get some feedback. A lightning talk is a 5-10 minute presentation (slides are encouraged, but not necessary). Each talk is followed by a small discussion and a feedback session. In the best case, each participant gives a lightning talk such that we cover many small topics.

Join us at realraum!